Tunay Gıda

Corporate News

Organic is our passion
Organic is our passion
Thrilled to share that we`ve received an award from the Istanbul Exporters` Association for our commitment to organic production and sustainable practices.🏆 Thank you to our team, partners, and the Istanbul Exporters` Association for this prestigious award.
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We are proud!
We are proud!
At the Exporters` Meeting and Award Ceremony held by the Istanbul Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters` Association; We are happy to be the second exporter in the "Non-Alcoholic Beverage" category in 2021. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this success!
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3th-5th of October 2022
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Visiting Our Facility by Students of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics.
7 November 2022
Visiting Our Facility by Students of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics.
We recently enjoyed that the students of Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics visited our factory. It is always nice to have some youth energy around!
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11th Juiceful Istanbul Summit
22 September 2022
11th Juiceful Istanbul Summit
We are very happy and excited to meet our friends and industry community at the 11th Istanbul Juiceful event on September 22, 2022.
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A new cooperation from Tunay Gıda that will gıve a direction to the sector
A new cooperation from Tunay Gıda that will gıve a direction to the sector
We are pleased to inform you of our cooperation with the Turkish Food Innovation Platform (TÜGİP), which was established by the TÜBİTAK MAM Food Institute.
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We wholeheartedly celebrate the 8th of March - The International Women’s Day - with our women who add value to our life and future with their knowledge, manners and efforts in agriculture, industry, science at every stage of our lives.
We wholeheartedly celebrate the 8th of March - The International Women’s Day - with our women who add value to our life and future with their knowledge, manners and efforts in agriculture, industry, science at every stage of our lives.
We wholeheartedly celebrate the 8th of March - The International Women’s Day - with our women who add value to our life and future with their knowledge, manners and efforts in agriculture, industry, science at every stage of our lives.
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We are proud to share our special products that we produced from the pomegranates we carefully harvested with the world.
We are proud to share our special products that we produced from the pomegranates we carefully harvested with the world.
We are proud to share our special products that we produced from the pomegranates we carefully harvested with the world.
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Our Hawthorn Puree project, which we carried out in our R&D Center affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Technology, using wild Hawthorn fruits from Erzincan region, has been concluded.
Our Hawthorn Puree project, which we carried out in our R&D Center affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Technology, using wild Hawthorn fruits from Erzincan region, has been concluded.
Hawthorn, which is rich in vitexin, known to be beneficial for cardiovascular diseases, is being harvested for our production of Hawthorn puree.
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In the meeting we held as the Tunay Gıda family, our CEO Mr. Tuncer Kırtıloğlu, thanked all our colleagues for their commitment to our company in his short speech to our employees.
In the meeting we held as the Tunay Gıda family, our CEO Mr. Tuncer Kırtıloğlu, thanked all our colleagues for their commitment to our company in his short speech to our employees.
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Our company Tunay Gıda General Manager Mrs. Gonca KIRTILOĞLU DEMİR made a statement to the Turkish Food Journal about the pandemic measures we took as Tunay Gıda.
Our company Tunay Gıda General Manager Mrs. Gonca KIRTILOĞLU DEMİR made a statement to the Turkish Food Journal about the pandemic measures we took as Tunay Gıda.
Our company Tunay Gıda General Manager Mrs. Gonca KIRTILOĞLU DEMİR made a statement to the Turkish Food Journal about the pandemic measures we took as Tunay Gıda.
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We opened our office with the participation of the provincial director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, deputy directors...
We opened our office with the participation of the provincial director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, deputy directors...
We opened our office with the participation of the provincial director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, deputy directors, representatives of non-governmental organizations and wide participation organic producers in the GAP region...
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Tunay Gıda started organic farmer training in 2020.
Tunay Gıda started organic farmer training in 2020.
As Tunay Gıda, we started our farmer meetings that we hold regularly every year in the regions where we produce organic products.
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Technology Development Zones and R&D Centers Award Ceremony
Technology Development Zones and R&D Centers Award Ceremony
Our company was established on 20.02.2018 as the first R&D Center of Eastern Anatolia which was held on 17.11.2019 "Technology Development Zones and R&D Centers" award ceremony, R&D Center Certificate of the Minister of Industry and Technology received from Mr. Mustafa Varank.
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Tunay Gida Gathers Organic Farmers in Erzincan
Tunay Gida Gathers Organic Farmers in Erzincan
Tunay Gıda that carry on a business in Erzincan Organized Industrial Site continues to be an example for Turkey and world with organic farming practices.
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The 21st Meeting of the National Sweet Cherry- Sour Cherry Working Group...
The 21st Meeting of the National Sweet Cherry- Sour Cherry Working Group...
The 21st Meeting of the National Sweet Cherry- Sour Cherry Working Group, organized by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Agricultural Researchand Policies was held at the middel Black Sea Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute.
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As Tunay Gıda, we started the Demeter-Biodynamic Agriculture project in 2018.
As Tunay Gıda, we started the Demeter-Biodynamic Agriculture project in 2018.
As Tunay Gıda, we started the Demeter-Biodynamic Agriculture project in 2018. In the harvest of 2019, we will start selling pomegranate and dried almond products. We are working to provide you with the Demeter brand agricultural products, which make a big share in the world markets.
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2018 yılı Türkiye İhracatın Yıldızları Yarışmasında Tunay Gıda 71 bin ihracatçı firma içinde Ar-Ge Merkezi İnovasyon kategorisinde şampiyon oldu.
2018 yılı Türkiye İhracatın Yıldızları Yarışmasında Tunay Gıda 71 bin ihracatçı firma içinde Ar-Ge Merkezi İnovasyon kategorisinde şampiyon oldu.
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TAGEM AR-GE Projeleri TAGEM-18/AR-GE/41 Nolu Proje Açılış Toplantısı
TAGEM AR-GE Projeleri TAGEM-18/AR-GE/41 Nolu Proje Açılış Toplantısı
TAGEM AR-GE Projeleri TAGEM-18/AR-GE/41 Nolu Proje Açılış Toplantısı
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Sensory Analysis Training
Sensory Analysis Training
Tunay gıda organized "Sensory Analysis Training" with Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Faculty Dean Prof.Dr.Beraat ÖZÇELİK between 8-11 August 2018.
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2018 TAGEM R&D Projects Signing Ceremony
2018 TAGEM R&D Projects Signing Ceremony
Within the scope of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock R&D Support Program; A contract signing ceremony was organized for 53 R&D projects, which were decided to be supported on 21 June 2018 in 2018 with the participation of Mr. H. Gazi KAYA, General Director of TAGEM. Company executives of the projects and project coordinators participated in the ceremony.
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We celebrated the 14th anniversary of our company with the participation of all personnel on April 26.
We celebrated the 14th anniversary of our company with the participation of all personnel on April 26.
We celebrated the 14th anniversary of our company with the participation of all personnel on April 26.
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Since we are one of the top five taxpayers in our province in 2017, Erzincan Revenue Office on behalf of the Ministry of Finance presented plaques to the our President, S. Tuncer KIRTILOĞLU
Since we are one of the top five taxpayers in our province in 2017, Erzincan Revenue Office on behalf of the Ministry of Finance presented plaques to the our President, S. Tuncer KIRTILOĞLU
Since we are one of the top five taxpayers in our province in 2017, Erzincan Revenue Office on behalf of the Ministry of Finance presented plaques to the our President, S. Tuncer KIRTILOĞLU
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The 2018 Season Fruit Yield Report can be found on the link below.
The 2018 Season Fruit Yield Report can be found on the link below.
The 2018 Season Fruit Yield Report can be found on the link below.
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The First R&D center in Eastern Anatolia
The First R&D center in Eastern Anatolia
We have finally got our approval for establishing an R&D center after finalizing the procedures with a presentation to officers from the ministry of science, industry and technology and a panel of juries. With authorization no 816 we are now the First R&D center in Eastern Anatolia.
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Erzincan University-Tunay Gida Coorperation Protocol
Erzincan University-Tunay Gida Coorperation Protocol
A signature ceremony was finalized between Erzincan University Rector-Mr. Prof Dr. İlyas ÇAPOĞLU and Tunay Gıda San. ve Tic. A.Ş. President Tuncer KIRTILOĞLU. Main aim is to establish joint studies for R&D and production according to Tunay Gıda goals.
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National Sweet Cherry And Sour Cherry 20th Workshop Meeting
National Sweet Cherry And Sour Cherry 20th Workshop Meeting
20th workshop which was held by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock; General Directorate of Horticultural Research Institute and Politics. In first day Our company President Mr. Tuncer KIRTILOĞLU made a presentation about Evaluation of Fruit Juice Potential in Erzincan.
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2017 Organic Apple Harvest Ceremony
2017 Organic Apple Harvest Ceremony
A ceremony to start organic apple harvest was started by Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Tunay Gıda.
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Happy International Women`s Day!
Happy International Women`s Day!
Creating a world without gender discrimination is our pride and joy. We celebrated our employees` International Women`s Day. Our goal is to increase our female employees to 50%.
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